Loudoun County is one of the richest counties in America and yet, it is faced with issues of families being displaced due to hard economic times, family members who have faced abusive situations seeking safe shelter, and homeless children and teenagers. Other areas of need include assistance with affordable housing and modifications that have allowed many to find or stay in their homes.
100WomenStrong recommends grants to applicants, allowing them to better accomplish, or increase their capacity to fulfill their mission. Each of these grants increases the quality of life for the residents of Loudoun County.
Here is how 100WomenStrong has made an impact:
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $12,000
Support for homelessness prevention program providing housing subsidies to Loudoun County residents in mental health treatment.
Good Shepherd Alliance
Grant: $5,000
Support for children’s programming and activities in their homeless shelters.
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial | American Legion Post 2001
Grant: $15,000
Support for payments of rent, utilities, and other bills for 25 military veterans and their family members in Loudoun County
Loudoun Cares
Grant: $10,500
Support for the information, referral, and financial assistance program for 600 Loudoun County families in need.
Loudoun Serenity House
Grant: $20,000
Support for operating funds for transitional recovery housing and services for those with substance use disorder.
Mobile Hope
Grant: $10,000
Support for emergency shelter and case management services to 300 homeless youth under the age of 24.
Shelter House
Grant: $20,000
Support for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Loudoun County.
The Salvation Army of Loudoun

Grant: $7,200
Support for our eviction prevention program to prevent homelessness and create skills to divert housing instability.
Women Giving Back
Grant: $25,000
Support for expanded facilities and basic needs programming for women and children in crisis in Loudoun County.
Catholic Charities of The Diocese of Arlington
Grant: $9,000
Support for emergency rent, utility and food assistance for 330 Loudoun residents.
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $12,000
Support for homelessness prevention program providing housing subsidies to Loudoun County residents in mental health treatment.
Good Shepherd Alliance
Grant: $9,000
Support for transportation funding for 90 homeless participants.
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial | American Legion Post 2001
Grant: $15,000
Support for payments of rent, utilities and other bills for 48 military veterans and their family members.
Mobile Hope
Grant: $14,000
Support for emergency shelter and case management services to 300 homeless youth under the age of 24.
Shelter House
Grant: $20,000
Support for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Loudoun County.
The Salvation Army of Loudoun

Grant: $12,000
Support for our eviction prevention program to prevent homelessness and create skills to divert housing instability.
Volunteers of America Chesapeake

Grant: $15,000
Provide housing location and rental assistance to Loudoun households at-risk of homelessness due to limited financial resources.
BRAWS–Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters
Grant: $15,000
Meeting the essential needs of women and girls in Loudoun County
Grant: $10,000
Afghan family resettlement –addressing educational needs
Good Shepherd Alliance
Grant: $5,000
Shelter and Supportive Services program
Just Neighbors
Grant: $10,000
A program entitled Hope for Immigrant Families: Legal Help for Youth, Families and Recent Arrivals in Loudoun County
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $20,000
Victims services outreach and collaboration project
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial | American Legion Post 2001
Grant: $10,000
Emergency financial crisis intervention on behalf of military veterans and their families.
Loudoun Cares
Grant: $10,000
Loudoun Cares Connect-Line Referral & Utility Support program
Loudoun Serenity House
Grant: $20,000
Emergency rental assistance
Mobile Hope
Grant: $13,000
Crisis Care Program for homeless and at-risk youth
Shelter House
Grant: $15,000
Loudoun County Homeless Services Center
Volunteers of America Chesapeake

Grant: $12,000
Loudoun Rapid Rehousing Program for Homelessness Prevention
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial | American Legion Post 2001

Grant: $6,000
Help veterans prevent eviction by providing rent subsidies with the intent to increase the number of families supported from 18 in 2018 to 25 in 2019.
BRAWS–Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters

Grant: $9,700
Support the Loudoun County School Delivery Program, providing feminine care products to disadvantaged students.
Just Neighbors
Grant: $8,000
Provide immigration legal services to immigrant and refugee families in Loudoun County.
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)

Grant: $25,000
Implement a new “Ensuring Safe and Reliable Victim Transportation” program, which provides victims of domestic violence and sexual
assault transportation to legal, medical and other appointments.
Loudoun Serenity House
Grant: $20,000
Fund capital campaign and support a strategy to create a sustainable sober living home for women in Loudoun County.
Volunteers of America Chesapeake

Grant: $7,600
Alleviate the increased cost of transportation of the homeless from different service branch locations.
Windy Hill Foundation

Grant: $3,500
Purchase and install four enclosed bulletin boards to provide a central location for important upcoming
educational and enrichment messages to residents of Windy Hill.
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $25,000
Enhance LAWS’ Legal Services by updating equipment, expanding security systems and engaging expert witnesses
Loudoun Habitat for Humanity
Grant: $2,000
Create reference manuals for classes at the new Homebuyer Education Center
Women Giving Back

Grant: $7,500
- Purchase a LiftNStore Overhead Lift
- Investment in volunteer management software
- Purchase software and office equipment
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $8,400
Funding A Place to Call Home program for mentally ill residents at risk of becoming homeless
Just Neighbors
Grant: $8,000
Provide immigration legal services to 15 families, support community clinics
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $20,000
Purchase and install a complete phone system at the LAWS Emergency Shelter and at the Community Services Center (crisis center) with ability to connect and transfer calls to appropriate sites.
Step Sisters
Grant: $7,000
Start crisis fund for cancer patients experiencing extreme financial strain
Volunteers of America
Grant: $10,000
Support Hope’s Chariot Transportation Program for Loudoun Homeless Services Center