A Farm Less Ordinary
Grant: $10,O00
Support for Crew/Peer Leaders working directly with adults with Intellectual Disabilities and or Developmental Disabilities during workforce training; providing individualized guidance.
A Place to Be
Grant: $20,000
Support for financial aid for economically challenged families to access clinical music and expressive arts therapies.
All Ages Read Together
Grant: $25,000
Support for children and families living in-or-near under-resourced communities in Loudoun with free inclusive preschool classes.
Boulder Crest Foundation

Grant: $10,000
Support for a two-day Struggle Well training in Fiscal Year 2024 for female first responders in Loudoun County.
Grant: $15,000
Support for emergency rent, utility and food assistance for 330 Loudoun residents.
Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties
Grant: $10,000
Support for nonprofit education, training, and capacity-building programs for 80+ Loudoun nonprofit professionals.
Crossroads Jobs
Grant: $10,000
Support for job search training, placement and post placement support services for low-income Loudoun residents.
Dulles South Food Pantry
Grant: $12,500
Support for our self-sufficiency program manager to empower our guests on the path to independence.
Dulles South Neighborhood Closet

Grant: $2,000
Support for storage fees to hold off-season winter coats benefitting 750 clothing insecure children.
Grant: $24,000
Support for purchase of an 80qt mixer that will increase our production capacity and allow for us to meet new demands for product in the ECHO Barkery.
Food For Neighbors

Grant: $5,000
Support for Loudoun County’s middle and high school students experiencing food insecurity by providing access to nutritious food.
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $12,000
Support for homelessness prevention program providing housing subsidies to Loudoun County residents in mental health treatment.
Galilee Backpack Buddies Program
Grant: $2,500
Support for 500 weekend meal packs to low-income students in Loudoun County.
Good Shepherd Alliance
Grant: $5,000
Support for children’s programming and activities in their homeless shelters.
Greater DC Diaper Bank

Grant: $8,500
Support for securing and distributing baby and personal hygiene essentials to vulnerable families in Loudoun County.
Hunger Response Team of Sterling

Grant: $14,000
Support for our growing Backpack Buddies program, through which we provide six meals each weekend to 270 local school children
Inova Health Foundation
Grant: $10,000
To provide up to 40 high-risk elderly patients with transportation to enable them to access specialized care.
Just Neighbors
Grant: $12,000
Support for 30 low-income immigrants and refugee families in Loudoun County; and education for at least 50 others.
LAWS Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services

Grant: $20,820
Support for the implementation of the Sanctuary Model to serve domestic violence and sexual assault survivors in Loudoun County
Legacy Farms
Grant: $20,000
Support for workforce training serving neurodivergent individuals with disabilities ages 16 and up in Loudoun County.
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial | American Legion Post 2001
Grant: $15,000
Support for payments of rent, utilities, and other bills for 25 military veterans and their family members in Loudoun County
Loudoun Cares
Grant: $10,500
Support for the information, referral, and financial assistance program for 600 Loudoun County families in need.
Loudoun Club 12
Grant: $12,000
Support to continue physical facility improvement needs and possible rental assistance.
Loudoun Coalition on Women and Girls
Grant: $5,000
Program support and expansion of Girl emPower events to strengthen skills, confidence, and leadership of Loudoun girls ages 12-18.
Loudoun Education Foundation
Grant: $15,000
Support for Mobile Health Clinic program for LCPS students in the Sterling area of Loudoun County.
Loudoun Free Clinic
Grant: $8,800
Support for connecting low-income adults with specialist medical care and safety-net services.
Loudoun Hunger Relief, Inc.
Grant: $25,000
Support for strategic aspects of organizing multi-agency programming.
Loudoun Literacy Council
Grant: $20,000
Direct educational support for 3,000 low-income immigrant adults to learn English and pass their GEDs.
Loudoun Serenity House
Grant: $20,000
Support for operating funds for transitional recovery housing and services for those with substance use disorder.
Loudoun Therapeutic Riding
Grant: $7,200
Support for 14 first responders with physical, cognitive, social, emotional, or behavioral health concerns in Loudoun County.
Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers

Grant: $24,000
Support for new sub-program providing rides to seniors and adults with disabilities using our new wheelchair-accessible van.
Loudoun Youth, Inc.
Grant: $5,000
Support for operational costs of programs which empower youth to improve their communities through volunteerism and innovation.
Love, KK
Grant: $3,500
Support for locally sourced nutritious food for 45 low-income families in Lucketts.
Mobile Hope
Grant: $10,000
Support for emergency shelter and case management services to 300 homeless youth under the age of 24.
Morven Park
Grant: $5,000
Support for Morven Park’s Summer Youth Leadership program that offers free multi-day skill-building sessions for Loudoun County students.
NAMI Northern Virginia

Grant: $13,250
Support for mental health support, education, and outreach to increase awareness and decrease barriers to care in Black communities in Loudoun.
Northern Virginia Family Services
Grant: $10,500
Support for mental health services and psychoeducation for immigrant youth, families, and schools in Loudoun County.
Opportunity Scholars
Grant: $12,500
Support for job skills training for students from low-income households, allowing them to break the poverty cycle.
Ryan Bartel Foundation
Grant: $10,500
Support for the expansion of the FORT teen program, that fosters connections and resilience through stress relieving workshops.
St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church
Grant: $15,00
Support for STEAM summer education programs serving 90 financially vulnerable Loudoun families.
SCAN of Northern Virginia
Grant: $14,00
Support for child abuse prevention in youth-serving organizations through SCAN’s Institutional Abuse Prevention Program.
Seven Loaves Services
Grant: $12,600
Support for three offsite food distributions/hunger relief days in rural Western Loudoun County’s African American community.
Shelter House
Grant: $20,000
Support for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Loudoun County.
The Arc of Loudoun 
Grant: $25,000
Support for affordable therapy, preschool, and emergency assistance for 48 individuals, many with disabilities, in Loudoun County.
The Fenwick Foundation
Grant: $15,000
Support for dental treatment for low-resource older adults in Loudoun County.
The New Ag School
Grant: $12,000
Providing our youth with experiential learning in agriculture, environmental science, culinary prep, and hospitality.
The Salvation Army of Loudoun

Grant: $7,200
Support for our eviction prevention program to prevent homelessness and create skills to divert housing instability.
Vine and Fig Tree

Grant: $6,700
Support for Job Education and Development for low-income, vulnerable, and/or at-risk youth of Loudoun County.
Virginia Hunters Who Care
Grant: $3,000
Support for providing 7,000 pounds of high protein venison to those facing food insecurity in Loudoun County.
Women Giving Back
Grant: $25,000
Support for expanded facilities and basic needs programming for women and children in crisis in Loudoun County.
Youth For Tomorrow
Grant: $9,000
Support for outpatient counseling and substance abuse services for children, adolescents, and adults in Loudoun County.
A Farm Less Ordinary
Grant: $8,500
Support for equipment maintenance vital to the functioning of our program of employment for adults with disabilities.
A Place to Be
Grant: $20,000
Support for providing security and increasing data collection for people with disabilities.
All Ages Read Together
Grant: $25,000
Support for free inclusive preschool classes and programming for children in need in Loudoun County.
Better a Life
Grant: $6,000
Support for food pantry and food assistance to feed local low-income children and families in Loudoun County.
Catholic Charities of The Diocese of Arlington
Grant: $9,000
Support for emergency rent, utility and food assistance for 330 Loudoun residents.
Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties
Grant: $10,000
Support to advance Loudoun nonprofits in mission performance, resource allocation, staffing efficiency, and fundraising systems.
Crossroads Jobs
Grant: $10,000
Support for job search training, placement and post placement support services for low-income Loudoun residents.
Dulles South Food Pantry
Grant: $18,200
Support for two new positions at DSFP to help us better serve the food insecure in
Southeast Loudoun County
Grant: $16, 602
Funding for updated LED lighting system for our LIFE day support program.
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $12,000
Support for homelessness prevention program providing housing subsidies to Loudoun County residents in mental health treatment.
Good Shepherd Alliance
Grant: $9,000
Support for transportation funding for 90 homeless participants.
Grant: $8,500
Increased access to Cervical Cancer screening via colposcopy.
Heeling House
Grant: $14,000
Support for training service dogs for children with autism, mobility, or psychiatric needs.
INMED Partnerships for Children
Grant: $12,000
Support for mental health and wellness activities for underserved, low-income youth disproportionately affected by COVID-19.
Insight Memory Care
Grant: $10,000
Support for people with mild cognitive impairment or early stage dementia
through socialization, peer support and education.
Just Neighbors
Grant: $12,000
Support for 30 low-income immigrants and refugee families in Loudoun County.
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $25,000
Support for agencywide trauma-informed training and consultation.
Legacy Farms
Grant: $10,000
Support for workforce training serving neurodivergent individuals with disabilities 16 and up in Loudoun County.
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial | American Legion Post 2001
Grant: $15,000
Support for payments of rent, utilities and other bills for 48 military veterans and their family members.
Loudoun Cares
Grant: $12,000
Support for information, referral, and financial assistance program for 600 Loudoun County families in need.
Loudoun Club 12
Grant: $15,000
Support to maintain operations and to make long-needed improvements to the facility physical space.
Loudoun Coalition on Women and Girls
Grant: $5,000
Support for the Girl EmPower Summit which helps Loudoun girls between the ages of 12 – 18.
Loudoun Education Foundation
Grant: $10,000
Support for general needs of in-school pantries to serve 4 additional schools and
686 low-income students in Loudoun County.
Loudoun Free Clinic
Grant: $14,000
Support for connecting low-income adults with specialist medical care and safety-net services.
Loudoun Hunger Relief, Inc.
Grant: $10,000
Support for their volunteer corps
Loudoun Literacy Council
Grant: $14,000
Direct educational support for 1000 low-income immigrant adults to learn English, Health/Financial literacy and pass their GED.
Loudoun Therapeutic Riding
Grant: $12,000
Support for veterans in Loudoun County with physical, cognitive, social, emotional, or behavioral health concerns.
Loudoun Youth, Inc.
Grant: $3,000
Support for operational costs of programs which empower youth to improve their communities through volunteerism and innovation.
Love, KK
Grant: $5,400
Provide locally sourced food to Lucketts Community Food Pantry at Faith Chapel
Mobile Hope
Grant: $14,000
Support for emergency shelter and case management services to 300 homeless youth under the age of 24.
Morven Park
Grant: $3,700
Support for transportation of students in Title I (or eligible) schools to participate in educational field trips at Morven Park
Northern Virginia Community College Educational Fund

Grant: $26,250
Funding for the Student Success Fund that supports academically successful but financially challenged students providing scholarships/emergency grants.
Northern Virginia Family Services
Grant: $15,000
Support for trauma-informed mental health services for 92 immigrant youth and their family members in Loudoun County.
Ryan Bartel Foundation
Grant: $10,500
Support for The FORT, an inclusive space for teens to feel connected, accepted and valued while learning valuable resiliency skills.
SCAN of Northern Virginia
Grant: $16,00
Support for child abuse prevention in youth-serving organizations through SCAN’s Institutional Abuse Prevention (IAP) program.
Seven Loaves Services
Grant: $10,500
support for bringing food to poor rural Western Loudoun Communities that don’t have access to a food pantry
Shelter House
Grant: $20,000
Support for individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Loudoun County.
The Arc of Loudoun 
Grant: $20,000
Support for mental health and wellness services for youth, adults, veterans, military and first responders in Loudoun County.
The Fenwick Foundation
Grant: $7,000
Support for dental treatment for low-resource older adults in Loudoun County.
The New Ag School
Grant: $7,000
Support for Workforce Development for youth from underserved and low income families youth in Eastern Loudoun County.
The Salvation Army of Loudoun

Grant: $12,000
Support for our eviction prevention program to prevent homelessness and create skills to divert housing instability.
Tree of Life Ministries
Grant: $14,000
Support for food pantry program for extremely low-income households in Loudoun County
Veterans Moving Forward
Grant: $7,000
Support for veterans with mental and physical challenges by providing highly trained service and facility dogs.
Virginia Hunters Who Care
Grant: $5,000
Support to provide 15,000 pounds of high protein venison to those struggling
with hunger in Loudoun County
Volunteers of America Chesapeake

Grant: $15,000
Provide housing location and rental assistance to Loudoun households at-risk of homelessness due to limited financial resources.
Women Giving Back
Grant: $15,000
Supporting Loudoun women and children in crisis with emergency clothing, food, and essentials
A Farm Less Ordinary
Grant: $10,000
Kitchen skill education and finished food product development project
A Place to Be
Grant: $14,000
Parent education and support services
BRAWS–Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters
Grant: $15,000
Meeting the essential needs of women and girls in Loudoun County
Capital Caring Health
Grant: $15,000
Meeting the essential needs of women and girls in Loudoun County
Center for Adoption Support and Education
Grant: $10,000
Improved mental health for adoptive, foster and kinship families in Loudoun County
Crossroads Jobs
Grant: $10,000
Job search, placement and retention services
Dulles South Soup Kitchen
Grant: $20,000
Commercial kitchen renovation and meal distribution programs
Grant: $15,000
Bus replacement
Grant: $10,000
Afghan family resettlement –addressing educational needs
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $10,500
A Place to Call Home program to prevent homelessness by allowing people to stay in their home
Good Shepherd Alliance
Grant: $5,000
Shelter and Supportive Services program
Grant: $25,000
Adolescent behavioral health services
Heeling House
Grant: $4,000
Service dog training program
INMED Partnerships for Children
Grant: $12,000
A program entitled The Hangout: A Welcoming Approach to Teen Mental Health Support
Insight Memory Care
Grant: $10,000
Early Stage Center expansion in Loudoun County
JK Community Farm
Grant: $6,500
Curriculum development to reduce chronic disease and childhood obesity with food education
Just Neighbors
Grant: $10,000
A program entitled Hope for Immigrant Families: Legal Help for Youth, Families and Recent Arrivals in Loudoun County
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $20,000
Victims services outreach and collaboration project
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial | American Legion Post 2001
Grant: $10,000
Emergency financial crisis intervention on behalf of military veterans and their families.
Loudoun Cares
Grant: $10,000
Loudoun Cares Connect-Line Referral & Utility Support program
Loudoun Coalition on Women and Girls
Grant: $1,000
Girls EmPower Summit
Loudoun Hunger Relief, Inc.
Grant: $15,000
For their Sterling neighborhood satellite/partner pantries
Loudoun Literacy Council
Grant: $13,000
Literacy programs for low-income immigrant adults in Loudoun County
Loudoun Serenity House
Grant: $20,000
Emergency rental assistance
Love, KK
Grant: $2,500
Provide locally sourced food to Lucketts Community Food Pantry at Faith Chapel
Mobile Hope
Grant: $13,000
Crisis Care Program for homeless and at-risk youth
Northern Virginia Family Service
Grant: $10,000
Youth initiatives in Loudoun County
Pathway Homes
Grant: $14,000
Mental health restabilization program – Back on Track
The Ryan Bartel Foundation
Grant: $10,00
The FORT program, a space for teens to connect, feel accepted and to grow stronger together.
SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now)
Grant: $13,000
Preventing child abuse in organizations serving children
Seven Loaves Services
Grant: $15,000
Hunger relief in eastern Loudoun County/Seven Loaves offsite food distribution project
Shelter House
Grant: $15,000
Loudoun County Homeless Services Center
The Arc of Loudoun 
Grant: $16,000
ALLY Bridge the Gap programs for LMI people with disabilities and their families
The Chris Atwood Foundation
Grant: $6,500
Revive to Thrive program
The Fenwick Foundation

Grant: $10,000
For Project ADAPT – oral treatment for Loudoun County older adults and immigrant community adults
The New Ag School
Grant: $6,000
Mentor development program
The Step Sisters
Grant: $5,000
The Step Sisters Crisis Fund
Veterans Moving Forward
Grant: $5,000
Program to provide service dogs to veterans with physical or mental challenges at no cost to the veteran
Volunteers of America Chesapeake

Grant: $12,000
Loudoun Rapid Rehousing Program for Homelessness Prevention
Windy Hill Foundation

Grant: $7,500
Summer camp subsidies for Shreveport Ridge Apartments families
Women Giving Back
Grant: $15,000
Supporting Loudoun women and children in crisis with emergency clothing, food, and essentials
Youth For Tomorrow
Grant: $20,000
Outpatient behavioral health services in Loudoun
A Place to Be
Grant: $14,000
Produce a new “The Same Sky Project” production for middle schools to
raise awareness of the importance of mental health and to promote inclusion.
All Ages Read Together
Grant: $20,000
$10,000 to support existing classes at Sterling Library and $10,000
to create an inclusive classroom with LCPS Early Childhood Special Education
Leonard W. Kidd Memorial | American Legion Post 2001
Grant: $6,000
Help veterans prevent eviction by providing rent subsidies with the intent to increase
the number of families supported from 18 in 2018 to 25 in 2019.
Backpacks for Success (Loudoun County HS)
Grant: $1,635
Provide backpacks and basic school supplies to new freshmen, many of whom are attending an American school for the first time
BRAWS–Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters
Grant: $9,700
Support the Loudoun County School Delivery Program, providing feminine care products to disadvantaged students.
Children’s Science Center
Grant: $4,000
Support Family Science Night, Discovery Days and Science on Stage STEM programs for the six Title 1 schools in Loudoun County.
Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties
Grant: $15,000
Finance a Human Services Strategic Plan for Loudoun County, as well as support strategic planning for specific smaller nonprofit agencies.
Crossroads Jobs
Grant: $5,000
Aid clients in job search and placement by funding job counselors who will also offer local employers a source of prescreened, ready-to-work applicants.
Dulles South Food Pantry
Grant: $7,500
Expand hours for part-time operations staff to support at 40% increase in guests of the pantry.
Grant: $17,000
Support fleet expansion by purchasing new vehicles and smart fleet software
for safer, more efficient transportation.
Grant: $8,000
Support Loudoun’s Serving Together program, which coordinates resources and improves service navigation to
optimize outcomes for veterans, service members and their families.
Five Stones Institute
Grant: $4,000
Support mindfulness training for children in partnership with INMED to include an after-school program, summer camp sessions and training for program staff.
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $8,400
Provide 24 months of housing subsidies for A Place to Call Home program to prevent homelessness by allowing people to stay in their home
Good Shepherd Alliance
Grant: $5,000
Support for the Six Steps to Self-Sufficiency Housing Program that provides healthy and safe housing and teaches
personalized self-sufficiency planning to help end homelessness in Loudoun County.
INMED Partnerships for Children
Grant: $15,000
Support summer day camp and after-school program for low-income elementary school children in Sterling, including
transportation, so it does not act as a barrier to participation
JK Community Farm
Grant: $7,500
Develop 12 additional bio-intensive raised beds for increased organic crop production.
Just Neighbors
Grant: $8,000
Provide immigration legal services to immigrant and refugee families in Loudoun County.
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $25,000
Implement a new “Ensuring Safe and Reliable Victim Transportation” program, which provides victims of domestic violence and sexual
assault transportation to legal, medical and other appointments.
Loudoun Hunger Relief, Inc.
Grant: $20,000
Purchase a food pantry vehicle.
Loudoun Library Foundation
Grant: $2,000
Fund programs designed to improve life skills for adults and children in the Sterling community.
Loudoun Serenity House
Grant: $20,000
Fund capital campaign and support a strategy to create a sustainable sober living home for women in Loudoun County.
Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers
Grant: $20,000
Purchase a wheelchair-accessible bus to transport adults and elderly to all appointments
Grant: $4,000
Support programs to identify and mentor underserved Loudoun County Public School students to learn technology and
manufacturing skills in Makersmiths’ locations.
Northern Virginia Association for the Education of Young Children
Grant: $2,500
Provide free professional development in Loudoun County for early childhood educators.
Northern Virginia Family Service
Grant: $5,000
Expand the Violence Prevention and Intervention Program
Postpartum Support of Virginia
Grant: $10,000
Establish the Loudoun County Maternal Mental Health Coalition to provide universal education, screening,
referrals and treatment.
Project Horse
Grant: $8,400
Support the launch of an equine-assisted wellness initiative
Saint Gabriel’s Episocopal Church
Grant: $5,700Fund a “ParentVUE Tech Literacy” Program, training parents of English Language Learners to use email and other electronic tools to monitor a student’s progress and bolster interaction with schools.
The Fenwick Foundation

Grant: $10,000
Provide dental care and treatment for lower-income adults, with a focus on alleviating financial impediments the elderly may face.
The Ryan Bartel Foundation
Grant: $7,500
Expand the reach of the FORT, the organization’s safe community space for teens, as well as provide free workshops and therapies.
Volunteers of America Chesapeake

Grant: $7,600
Alleviate the increased cost of transportation of the homeless from different service branch locations.
Windy Hill Foundation

Grant: $3,500
Purchase and install four enclosed bulletin boards to provide a central location for important upcoming
educational and enrichment messages to residents of Windy Hill.
A Farm Less Ordinary
Grant: $5,000
Provide training and employment to adults with special needs, so they can develop a skillset in a food/farm industry
A Place to Be
Grant: $35,000
Expand offerings to include additional music therapist and initiate homebound music therapy program
Ability Fitness Center
Grant: $8,000
Purchase a NuStep recumbent cross-trainer
All Ages Read Together
Grant: $20,000
$10,000 to support existing classes at Sterling Library and $10,000 to create an inclusive classroom with LCPS Early Childhood Special Education
Catholic Charities of The Diocese of Arlington
Grant: $10,000
Purchase double door for efficient, safe delivery of food and increase commercial donor base
Children’s Science Center
Grant: $2,000
Expand Family Science Night STEM program to more Title 1 schools in Loudoun County
Dulles South Food Pantry
Grant: $10,000
Construction of a missing sidewalk link and expand hours for part-time operations staff

Grant: $20,000
Launch new ECHO Training Academy to teach social skills, money management, etc., in simulation Practical Assessment Exploration System (PAES) Lab
Grant: $5,000
Support Loudoun’s Serving Together program, which coordinates resources and improves service navigation to optimize outcomes for veterans, service members and their families
Five Stones Institute
Grant: $5,000
Support partnership program with INMED – mindfulness training for children
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $8,400
Provide 24 months of housing subsidies for A Place to Call Home program to prevent homelessness by allowing people to stay in their home
Grant: $15,000
Support second year of Maternity Care Coordinator program
Grant: $13,350
Support summer day camp for low-income elementary school children in Sterling
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $25,000
Enhance LAWS’ Legal Services by updating equipment, expanding security systems and engaging expert witnesses
Loudoun Habitat for Humanity
Grant: $2,000
Create reference manuals for classes at the new Homebuyer Education Center
Loudoun Hunger Relief, Inc.
Grant: $12,000
Purchase a pallet lift for warehouse operations
Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers
Grant: $5,000
Support for the food delivery program
Northern Virginia Family Service
Grant: $5,000
Resiliency-based parenting intervention with Early Head Start families
Northern Virginia Human Trafficking Initiative
Grant: $5,000
Create materials for human trafficking awareness and prevention
Piedmont Environmental Council
Grant: $5,000
Start volunteer programs at Roundabout Meadows Community Farm to engage residents to grow vegetables and fruits for donation to food-insecure families
SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now)
Grant: $5,000
Expand parent education initiatives to provide a series of Immigrant Parent Reunification workshops and add a Parenting Wisely Program
Stroke Comeback Center

Grant: $7,500
Conduct small group communication classes led by speech language pathologists
The New Ag School
Grant: $9,600
Engage paid administrator for “school without walls” program
The Arc of Loudoun Paxton Campus
Grant: $10,000
Fund A Life Like Yours (ALLY) educational series on disability rights, guidance and support to the estimated 48,300 people in Loudoun County with disabilities, their families, caretakers and the community at large
The Fenwick Foundation

Grant: $10,000
Fund the Adult Dental Access, Prevention and Treatment (ADAPT) program, which is focused on addressing the financial and logistical impediments that keep older adults from getting needed dental care
Windy Hill Foundation

Grant: $6,700
Provide 10 laptop computers to underserved youth participating in NetWorks after school program at Blue Ridge Middle School
Women Giving Back

Grant: $7,500
- Purchase a LiftNStore Overhead Lift
- Investment in volunteer management software
- Purchase software and office equipment
All Ages Read Together
Grant: $10,000
Support current classes and development of new parenting program
Dulles South Food Pantry
Grant: $8,000
Expand seasonal storage, improve current facility & hire PT Operations Manager for growing needs in 2017
Grant: $10,000
Expand Serving Together program–helping military members, veterans and their families navigate family servicess, evaluate mental health needs and identify when someone is in crisis
Five Stones Institute
Grant: $4,500
Bring Mindfullness training to the children in the after school program at INMED Partnerships for Children in Starling, supporting Latino children in crisis
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $8,400
Funding A Place to Call Home program for mentally ill residents at risk of becoming homeless
Girls on the Run
Grant: $1,000
Support sustainable growth of program; particularly providing stipend for 12-month volunteer position
Head Start Program

Grant: $7,800
Purchase Spot Vision Screener for 3- and 4-year-olds in Head Start Program
Grant: $37.500
Help fund position of Nurse Maternity Coordinator for prenatal, postpartum, well visits and family planning services
Heeling House
Grant: $10,000
Implement animal-assisted social skills program for children with special needs
Just Neighbors
Grant: $8,000
Provide immigration legal services to 15 families, support community clinics
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $20,000
Purchase and install a complete phone system at the LAWS Emergency Shelter and at the Community Services Center (crisis center) with ability to connect and transfer calls to appropriate sites.
Loudoun Hunger Relief, Inc.
Grant: $5,000
Improve technology in the pantry (inventory and request system) and provide nutrition and healthy cooking classes
Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers
Grant: $12,500
Funding for hunger relief, supplemental food delivery and shopping programs for elderly, chronically ill and disabled adults
Northern Virginia Family Service
Grant: $7,500
Fund a resiliency-based parenting intervention for parents of children enrolled in Early Head Start program
Peers and Students Taking Action (PASTA)
Grant: $1,5000
Support for 4th and 5th grade tutoring/mentoring program: “Nothing’s ImPASTAble”
Ryan Bartel Foundation
Grant: $10,000
Expand “We’re All Human” committees and training programs in 6 more high schools for peer to peer approach to suicide prevention and awareness. Currently in 2 high schools
SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now)
Grant: $10,000
“Train the Trainer” initiative–training new facilitators for Darkness to Light/Stewards of Children educational model–preventing child abuse.
Step Sisters
Grant: $7,000
Start crisis fund for cancer patients experiencing extreme financial strain
This Is My Brave
Grant: $1,5000
Cover costs for producing live stage production at Northern Virginia Community College which shares personal stories and ends the stigma of mental illness
Volunteers of America
Grant: $10,000
Support Hope’s Chariot Transportation Program for Loudoun Homeless Services Center
All Ages Read Together
Grant: $11,700
Services in Sterling, VA, including the expansion of an existing site and the addition of a site at Sterling Library.
Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties
Grant: $20,000
Support of the Face of Need/Face of Service campaign to promote organizations, highlight needs in our area and boost giving. Funds will also support CF’s Social Profit Initiative.
Community School Initiative
Grant: $50,000
Create school/community partnership for Sterling Elementary School to bring together private companies, government entities and nonprofits to offer a range of support and opportunities for children, youth, families, and the overall community.
Dulles South Food Pantry
Grant: $1,500
Sustaining and expanding the “Friday Food Pack” for students in the Freedom and John Champe clusters, as well as expanding food storage.
Friends of Loudoun Mental Health
Grant: $8,400
For last-resort rental subsidies for patients who are in treatment programs.
Grant: $33,750
Comprehensive dental care for low-income children and the elderly.
Legacy Farms
Grant: $5,565
Construction of a greenhouse for agrarian-based vocational training for adults with autism and developmental and social challenges.
Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $20,000
Training in Danger Assessment of risk of impending homicide in domestic violence cases, as well as installing security cameras at its facility.
Loudoun County Public Library
Grant: $5,000
For the Mi Familia program at the Sterling Library location.
Loudoun Families for Children
Grant: $2,000
To support LFC’s work with Child Protective Services to care for children affected by family issues.
Loudoun Interfaith Relief
Grant: $25,000
For the purchase of a new refrigerated van to replace the oldest in the nonprofit’s fleet of three vehicles.
Loudoun Literacy Council
Grant: $15,000
Training in the Orton-Gillingham method for ESL instructors to prepare them to work with dyslexic students.
Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers
Grant: $11,250
Support for ongoing operations in delivery of food and services to frail, elderly, and ill individuals throughout the county.
NAMI Northern Virginia
Grant: $5,000
For “peer-to-peer” public education programs about mental health for youth and high-school aged children.
SCAN of Northern Virginia
Grant: $7,000
Education and safe cribs for low-income families with infants.
All Ages Read Together
Grant: $13,000
Family Reading Program. Collaboration with Loudoun Literacy to increase literacy skills in entire families by providing an early childhood program while adults in the family are in ESL classes.
Dulles South Food Pantry
Grant: $1,500
Funds to go toward the purchase of street signs, food for the pantry, software, etc. for this small start-up charitable organization,
Grant: $20,000
Comprehensive dental care to 440 low income Loudoun children ages 0 – 18 who don’t have insurance or Medicaid. Estimate that 2,000 Loudoun kids fall in this target population.
Women Giving Back / Home Aid NOVA
Grant: $10,000
Conveyor rack to be installed in a new facility for Women Giving Back program. Women Giving back is “store” serving homeless women & children. Home Aid builds & renovate houses for the homeless.
INMED Partnerships for Children
Grant: $10,000
After school program for at-risk kids, particularly those who qualify for McKinney-Vento services. Grant to purchase tables, chairs, book shelves, white boards, education materials, volunteer incentives, etc.
Loudoun Citizens for Social Justice/Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $25,000
Child Advocacy Center, Victim Advocacy and Education Program. Grant will go toward a new staff person and part-time victim advocate & support specialist.
Loudoun Education Foundation
Grant: $25,000
In 2014, 100WS provided Loudoun Education Foundation a grant to fund a Program Coordinator position, filled by Barbara Mendoza, to oversee the newly formed LCPS Backpack Coalition Program. This grant represents the second year of funding for this position. Barb reports to the Office of Outreach Administrator.
Liberty’s Promise
Grant: $2,500
After school civics program and internship program aimed at helping immigrant youth succeed in the US. Program will be based at Parkview High School in Sterling, VA.
Loudoun Therapeutic Riding
Grant: $8,400
Reins to Independence pilot program – Therapeutic horsemanship program for secondary students in self-contained autism classes. The program will teach up to six students who have “aged out” of current school programs (soon to graduate).
Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers
Grant: $15,000
Expand existing program delivering food and services to frail, elderly and ill individuals throughout the county.
SCAN of Northern Virginia
Grant: $7,700
Present “Stewards of Children” program to 40 parents. Trains parents to recognize signs of sexual abuse. Also, to help partially fund “Immigrant Family Reunification” program at Park View High School for immigrant families who have been living in different countries and now are reunited.
100WomenStrong Social Impact Institute
Grant: $5,000
The Social Impact Institute and its Leadership Development Program offers executives of Loudoun’s charitable organizations a structured, tailored process to explore how their current leadership approach might evolve to yield greater personal satisfaction and organizational performance. Participants engage in one-on-one executive coaching and group conversations on sequential months between March and September 2015. The design evokes increasing direction, growing capability and new approaches to addressing mission vital challenges.
Blue Ridge Speech & Hearing
Grant: $24,000
Replacement of the outdated audiology equipment will allow BRSH to go into the next 50 years servicing Loudoun County. As part of the 50 year celebration, they are launching the “Hearing Health Initiative“- providing Early Intervention through education, prevention, and rehabilitation. This outreach is designed to educate the community about preventing hearing loss and the importance of testing your hearing annually for everyone over the age of 55 and includes an offer to have a free hearing screening.
Tree of Life
Grant: $5,000
Tree of Life is starting a Dental Voucher Referral program. With this program, each approved applicant will be referred to a participating dentist for a screening and further dental work. The dentist, who is donating their time and labor, provides an assessment and estimate of costs for dental materials needed to address each problem. Tree of Life will dispense funds to each dentist based on each approved need.
Windy Hill Foundation
Grant: $26,000
The Windy Hill Community Children’s Playground will provide a carefully designed “playscape”, with suitable, certified, safe equipment and surface material that would fit in the existing fenced playground area close to Llewellyn Village Apartments to serve the children in the Windy Hill community.
Catholic Charities
Grant: $12,000
The WRO Healthy Eating Initiative aims to address the nutritional gap by providing protein, dairy, and produce as part of every emergency food package. As such, the Healthy Eating Initiative has three major objectives, which are to 1) Enhance local partnerships with emergency service providers and food distributors to assist with building awareness of this initiative as well as the acquisition of healthy foods, 2) Provide equipment and infrastructure to support the provision of perishable items, and 3) Distribute balanced nutritional food provisions to Loudoun County’s most marginalized families.
LCPS Backpack Coalition Challenge Grant
Grant: $100,000
Loudoun County Public Schools began a new program called the LCPS Backpack Coalition in support of the BackPack Buddies Program. LCPS is collaborating with 100WomenStrong, Loudoun Education Foundation, Loudoun Interfaith Relief, and Blue Ridge Area Food Bank to ensure no child goes hungry. The LCPS Backpack Coalition’s goal is to fund 100 percent of the families that need our support.
Loudoun Interfaith Relief
Grant: $15,000
The Summer Pack program is designed to support the hunger needs of families of school age children during the summer. Summer Pack was intended to substitute the free or reduced school breakfast and lunch program which is offered during the school year. Summer Pack provides all family members of school age children with healthy and nutritious food to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The objective is to provide families with an additional day of food twice a month. This additional day of food can be quite important to families with school age children – not to mention the impact it will have on those young people.
Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers
Grant: $10,000
LVC receives numerous requests for bringing food to hungry people across the county who cannot get to the grocery store or local food pantry. They work in partnership with LIR and other nonprofits and agencies to ensure that if someone needs food brought to them, they’ll do so. The Healthy Seniors and Hunger Relief program will help them to continue finding, training, and coordinating new volunteers with care receivers. The volunteers carry the groceries in and help put them away if needed. Funds will also be used for recruiting more volunteers.
INMED Partnership for Children
Grant: $10,000
INMED’s Family Homelessness Intervention program is focused on families (with at least one child under age 18) at risk of homelessness in Loudoun County. The goal of the program is to prevent homelessness among low-income families at risk by connecting them to supportive services that lift them out of crisis and strengthen their capacity to sustain long-term housing stability. Toward that end, the program model comprises several core elements:
1. Referral and assessment to identify critical risks and needs and link vulnerable families with appropriate resources
2. Case management to help families on the edge gain stability and build personal and financial assets to prevent homelessness and secure long-term self-sufficiency
3. Links to homelessness prevention resources (financial, housing and legal assistance) and other relevant services
4. Links to employment resources, job training and self-sufficiency planning to help families strengthen their economic prospects
5. Community-based education and capacity building in financial literacy
6. Financial assistance to pay rent or other urgent expenses that threaten housing stability, such as utility bills for families who face imminent homelessness
7. Transportation for families to apply for jobs, meet with DFS caseworkers, attend medical appointments, attend school meetings, etc.
Loudoun Citizens for Social Justice/Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $18,000
The LAWS Shelter is a 12-bed facility in Loudoun County. The Shelter Transformation project will provide the funds to purchase specialized furniture, including new beds and mattresses, that are made specifically for shelters from a reputable manufacturer of furniture for shelters, dormitories, and residential facilities. Not only will the furniture prevent bed bug outbreaks, but it is also made to withstand a high volume of use and will be durable enough to stand up to the wear and tear of 70 people using the furniture per year. This transformation will also include an interior “makeover” to transform the shelter into a not only safe, but also comfortable and peaceful haven for victims recovering from trauma.
LCPS HeadStart
Grant: $5,900
LCPS Head Start is reinstating and expanding the Educational Enrichment program to provide field trips to all of their students, which will enrich activities outside of the classroom throughout the school year. Field trips will be tied in to what the students are learning in class and will allow them real-life learning experiences. Field trips can really bring classroom study alive for students and help them connect what they are learning in school to the world around them.
Loudoun Literacy Council
Grant: $3,500
LLC is working with LCPS to create the Adult Family Members Literacy Enrichmentto identify two additional high-needs school sites for adult ELL classes, coordinating class offerings at these sites, and delivering ELL classes to parents and older family members of students who have or are participating in the Head Start program. LLC will also expand the family literacy programs at the Volunteers of America Homeless Shelters to include offering either a volunteer led after school homework club or tutoring for the residents at the shelters.
Loudoun Therapeutic Riding Foundation
Grant: $750
All LTR participants are required to wear an ASTM approved safety helmet while on the horse, in a carriage, and when working in certain situations around the horse. The Enhancement of Safety Equipment and Education Tools program is updating and replacing some older safety helmets.
SCAN of Northern Virginia
Grant: $10,000
The program provides a unique perspective on child sexual abuse prevention, focusing on teaching adults to prevent, recognize, and respond effectively. In collaboration with LAWS, SCAN will organize 4-6 Stewards of Children workshops to train at least 60 Loudoun adults. The Seven Steps taught in the program include factual information on child sexual abuse, concrete tips on minimizing children’s risk and talking openly to children, recognizing signs of child sexual abuse, creating a plan for responding to reports and acting on suspicions, as well as tips on getting involved in prevention efforts in the local community. At the training, each participant will be provided with a Stewards of Children workbook which helps facilitate discussion and reinforce key concepts, as well as providing a resource and personal action plan for participants. SCAN’s Public Education team will also raise awareness of the issue of child sexual abuse regionally through ongoing media efforts.
All Ages Read Together (AART)
Grant: $12,600
AART will establish a pilot mobile reading program called AART-in-a-Cart, an effort that reaches out to children who are unable to attend existing on-site programs due to lack of transportation and/or income. The program targets home day-cares with portable “theme carts” and will run for a full year of 3 ten-week sessions.
A Place to Be
Grant: $25,000
This first time grant recipient of 100WS has launched The Same Sky Project, an ensemble of 20 teenagers living with diverse challenges who create and perform original thematic work. The student performers in this special ensemble live with Cerebral Palsy, Asperger’s Syndrome, Autism, Down Syndrome, chronic illness, and other mental, physical and emotional challenges. The ensemble’s goal is to raise awareness about differences, empathy, tolerance, acceptance and inclusion. Finished works can be seen in schools, community centers, and regional theaters. Each performance will feature an open audience discussion with the artists about prejudices, acceptance, advocacy and inspiration.
“I left with the thought that I just witnessed the most amazing theatrical performance. I cannot express my feelings when I left. I was blown away. I highly recommend everyone go see this.”
Steph Place, 100WS Donor Advisor
“The performance was pure magic. I know we all drove home with a smile on our face.”
Teresa Wheeler, 100WS Donor Advisor
The ARC of Loudoun (Paxton Campus)
Grant: $3,000
ARC Loudoun will launch a program called Next Chapter Book Club which provides adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to read, discuss books, and make friends in a fun community setting. Members, ranging from those who read well to those who cannot read independently, meet weekly to read aloud and discuss books of their choosing.
HealthWorks for Northern Virginia
Grant: $25,000
The Stronger Together Partnership Initiative will cultivate new partnerships to launch new programs; streamline access to services and provide new avenues of access to existing programs, and ensure the sustainability of newly created services.
Loudoun Citizens for Social Justice/Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $10,500
This grant allows the purchase of an emergency generator for a twelve bed facility. The Shelter’s location makes it vulnerable to power outages during severe weather. A generator will impact LAWS’ ability to serve shelter residents during a power outage.
Grant: $2,280
LINK plans to purchase frozen meat from the Capital Area Food Bank at a significantly discounted rate of .19 per pound using its grant funds. This will enhance their current food deliveries to families in need of food assistance.
Loudoun Free Clinic
Grant: $25,000
This grant will go toward the implementation of an Electronic Medical Records (EMR) system. EMR has both quality and efficiency benefits that will systematically improve patient care. EMR implementation will result in the use of evidence-based treatment protocols, increased workflow efficiency and enhanced data collection for reliable, more meaningful reporting.
Northern Virginia Family Services
Grant: $15,972
Grant: $15,000
Northern Virginia Family Services received two grants this year, the first of which funds a program called LAMP (Loudoun Accessible Medication Program). LAMP provides free or reduced-cost prescription medications to Loudoun County residents of all ages who do not have health insurance, whose income level is 200% or below poverty level, and who require medication for an ongoing chronic illness. The second grant funds the Infant Mental Health Project. A Child Mental Health Clinical Consultant will be hired for ten hours per month to provide family and group counseling for families assessed to be at high risk for child abuse/neglect, or who suffer from mental health issues or other serious problems that are negatively affecting their parenting skills.
All Ages Read Together (AART)
Grant: $9,600
The All Ages Read Together (AART) received a $9,500 grant for the “AART CPR” program, an intensive summer program that provides last-chance readiness activities for rising Kindergartners at two Loudoun County schools.
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
Grant: $25,000
100WomenStrong has granted Blue Ridge Area Food Bank a combined $50,000 to support their BackPack Program. Sugarland Elementary School will benefit from a $25,000 grant to the BackPack Program for the 2012-2013 school year. 100WomenStrong’s grant will help to fund nearly 70% of the program costs for the year at Sugarland Elementary.
The BackPack Program is the Food Bank’s flagship initiative for alleviating child hunger in Virginia. The Program provides food bags full of nutritious meals and snacks on weekends and over schools holidays to children living in low-income families. The goal of the program is to ensure that children at risk of hunger have adequate food for times when they are out of school and cannot access school-based feeding programs.
Feed Loudoun Plant a Row
Grant: $3,750
Plant a Row for the Hungry.
Loudoun Cares
Grant: $9,000
Loudoun Cares received a $9,000 grant in 2012 for a board training “Boot Camp” and several focused training sessions to teach best practices in board policies, activities and effectiveness to as many as 80 members of Loudoun County boards of directors.
HealthWorks for Northern Virginia
Grant: $35,000
This is the fourth grant from 100WomenStrong to HealthWorks. The 2012 $35,000 grant is for additional specialized pediatric dental equipment as well as pediatric dental furniture.
Loudoun Therapeutic Riding
Grant: $3,600
Three activity days for wounded vets & family.
The Good Shepherd Alliance
The Good Shepherd Alliance (GSA) received $30,000 in 2012 to renovate two homes used to provide safe transitional housing. GSA is a non-profit organization providing help and hope for the homeless and those in need through emergency and transitional housing and outreach services leading to self-sufficiency and self-worth.
Blue Ridge Area Food Bank
Grant: $25,000
This grant purchased essential food for 239 students enrolled in the BackPack program at Guilford Elementary School. This program ensures that children at risk of food insecurity have adequate access to healthy food at times when school-based resources are unavailable.
Loudoun County Public Library
Grant: $3,045
Open Door Special Needs Storytimes are designed for children who have developmental disorders on the autistic spectrum.
Blue Ridge Speech & Hearing
Grant: $35,000
Build and equip a new Sensory Integration Room that will better serve children with special needs.BRSH is the only nonprofit providing audio logical services, speech therapy and occupational therapy to Loudoun County’s residents in need.
HealthWorks for Northern Virginia
Grant: $35,000
A new pediatric ultrasound machine, funded by this grant, is for use at the new pediatric site in Sterling. This is the second grant from 100WomenStrong to the nonprofit, a Federally Qualified Health Center created to provide health care in a medial home setting to those who have limited or no health insurance.
INOVA Hospital Foundation
Grant: $26,000
INOVA Health Foundation received $26,000 for a stereotactic breast analysis table.
Update: Inova Stereotactic Breast Analysis Table Dedication was held November 5, 2013. 100WS members and the Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation gathered alongside Inova nurses, doctors, and administrators on October 24 to dedicate the new Stereotactic Breast Analysis Room at Inova Loudoun Hospital. Key funding provided by 100WS and Cherry Blossom Breast Cancer Foundation helped to purchase the new stereotactic table, where a breast biopsy can be performed by pinpointing the exact spot of the abnormal area. 100WS is very pleased to help support Inova’s commitment to women’s health in Loudoun County.
Loudoun Citizens for Social Justice/Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $25,000
Loudoun Child Advocacy Center (CAC) in support of attaining accreditation from the National Children’s Allianceto expand it’s service capacity by opening new opportunities for increased funding. Loudoun Citizens for Social Justice offers legal services, domestic violence services and 24-hour crisis hotline, youth and children’s services, and services for victims of
sexual assault, among others.
The Good Shepherd Alliance
Grant: $10,000
The Good Shepherd Alliance (GSA) renovated its newly purchased transitional residential property to ready it for immediate occupancy by a family. GSA is a non-profit organization providing help and hope for the homeless and those in need through emergency and transitional housing and outreach services leading to self-sufficiency and self-worth.
Loudoun Cares
Grant: $5,000
Loudoun Cares developed and implementated “Board Boot Camp(s)” to train board and staff of Loudoun County area nonprofit organizations. Loudoun Cares was founded in 2002 to promote the sharing of community services under one roof. This model, already utilized in many communities, encourages collaboration and efficiency among nonprofit agencies—ultimately benefiting the long-term health of the community.
Feed Loudoun Plant A Row
Grant: $4,900
Feed Loudoun Inc. increased its capacity and promoted the growing and donation of fresh fruits and vegetables by local gardeners, farmers and agri-businesses for the purpose of feeding the hungry in Loudoun County. Feed Loudoun is part of Loudoun Plant A Row, which was founded in 2009 as part
of a national grass roots organization known as “Plant A Row for the Hungry.”
Loudoun Interfaith Relief
Grant: $25,000
Refrigerated Food Delivery Van
Loudoun Citizens for Social Justice/Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter (LAWS)
Grant: $15,000
Legal Service Enhancement.
The ARC of Loudoun (Paxton Campus)
Grant: $16,690
Classroom and Playground Equipment.
Loudoun Youth
Grant: $14,550
Program for “at risk” Children.
HealthWorks for Northern Virginia
Grant: $4,000
Breast Feeding Education.
HealthWorks for Northern Virginia
Grant: $25,000
Pediatric Equipment.
Leadership Loudoun
Grant: $3,600
Lunches for Summer Camp Program.