100womenstrong grants $639,000 to 51 loudoun nonprofits in support of shelter, health, mental health, hunger, and education. Read more.

Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers Brings the Community to the Home

An army of more than 200 volunteers is out and about every week in Loudoun County helping frail elderly and disabled adults maintain independent living, as well as connection to our community.  Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers (Caregivers) offers support to adults who are unable to use public transportation services for everything from medical appointments, cancer treatments, grocery shopping and prescription pick up to food pickup from Loudoun Hunger Relief, errands, voting and non-medical needs.

The 200+ dedicated Caregivers serve hundreds in our community in other ways too. These include respite sitting to assist families who care for family members with Alzheimer’s, dementia, ALS and Parkinson’s, among other debilitating conditions; weekly phone calls to ensure that the homebound stay connected to the community and help with chores.

“Our mission is to help people stay in their own homes as long as possible,” Susan Mandel Giblin, Loudoun Volunteer Caregivers executive director explained. “They may live in a senior living community, or have their own apartment or home, but cannot get to the doctor, get to the grocery store or get to Loudoun Hunger Relief by themselves.”

The 2017 grant from 100WomenStrong is earmarked for LVC to fund their programs that help provide hunger relief, as well as food delivery and shopping programs for elderly, chronically ill and disabled adults.

“This grant will help us to make sure people are getting food on a regular basis, and it helps us identify who is vulnerable to food shortage,” Giblin explained. “We don’t charge anything for the services we provide, and we want to be available to anyone in Loudoun County who may need us. 100WomenStrong helps us to do so.”


100WomenStrong is a proud fund of Community Foundation for Loudoun and Northern Fauquier Counties